Born: February, 2015
Arrived: September 12, 2016
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The bobcat can be found in all of the United States except for parts of the midwest. It is also found in Canada and Mexico. They live in varying environments from rocky, rough ground to the forest, high desert, thickets and swamps.
The bobcat is a carnivore and eats a wide variety of small mammals like woodchucks, rabbits, skunks, raccoons, moles and squirrels. It also eats birds and reptiles. One of the most common prey of the bobcat is the cotton-tail rabbit.
They mark their territory or homerange with urine, feces, scent markings, scratches and scrapes (piles of dirt and debris marked with scent). A male's homerange may overlap with the homerange of a couple of females and often another male. Females' homeranges usually don't overlap. Homeranges can vary in size from less than a square mile to more than 20 miles depending on the season of the year and the geographic location.
The bobcat is about two feet tall from its shoulders to its feet. It weigh between 20 and 30 pounds. Their coat color varies depending on the region. Basic color is black-spotted brown coat with a black tipped tail. The coat color helps it blend into its territory. The bobcat is heavily built with a short tail and short ear tufts.
The gestation period of a bobcat is 60-63 days and the average litter is from 1-4 cubs.
Photos by  Bill Dow  ©2021 The Roar Foundation
No images may be removed from this web site without written permission from the Roar Foundation

The Roar Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
Shambala is a member of the American Sanctuary Association.