Name: Simba
Birthdate: April 3, 2003
Former Home: Private Owner
Shambala Arrival Date: July 7, 2003
Den Mates: Zoe
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Simba came to Shambala from a private owner. They had been told she would make a good pet. They had her declawed on both the front and back paws but at two months she was biting them and tearing up their home. They finally realized that tigers to not make good pets and she was brought to Shambala on July 7, 2003.
Photos by  Bill Dow  ©2020 The Roar Foundation
No images may be removed from this web site without written permission from the Roar Foundation

The Roar Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
Shambala is a member of the American Sanctuary Association.